COACHES Resources
Coaching a team this season? Make sure your courses are up to date to avoid ineligibility!
What do I need to Coach?
Have you previously coached a team and would like to check to see if you are up to date with qualifications? You will need to create a new login/account for the new Hockey Canada Registry.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to set it up. You will then need to link your Hockey Canada ID to your account in order to view your qualifications. CLICK HERE for detailed instructions on how to do so.
Complete steps 1, 2 & 3 below, prior to stepping on the ice. Step 4 will be completed in October or November of the season.
Complete an online CRC every 3 seasons
Complete your CRC online here: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/criminalrecordcheckk.
Be sure to use the ACCESS CODE: : 474NMQ6BQH. The online CRC will be emailed to the Semiahmoo Hockey office directly.
If you are unable to complete the online check, please head into your local RCMP branch to get it done in person. Bring THIS LETTER and 2 pieces of ID. If you get an in person CRC completed, you will need to scan/email a copy of your CRC to admin@semiahmooravens.ca
CLICK HERE for Surrey RCMP locations and hours | CLICK HERE For White Rock RCMP location and hours.
Complete the online RIS-Activity Leaders Course. This course must be renewed every 5 seasons. You MUST ensure that you use the pre-registration code SMH-T2D4W8D and ensure that Semiahmoo is selected from the organizations list. If you have taken this course for another sport (such as coaching with Coastal FC) please click the link above, log-in and you will find information on how to import your certificate to your Hockey Canada profile.
Complete the online CATT-Coach course.
Please note that you cannot go on the ice/bench or be rostered and will not have access to HiSports.App prior to completing the above three requirements.
On-Ice Helpers (helping on the ice for practices only) need to complete the above three requirements prior to participation. They must also be rostered on your official Hockey Canada roster.
Complete the required BC Hockey coaching course for your division (see graph below)
Coaching courses will become available on the BC Hockey website in early October.
COACH COURSE REIMBURSEMENT: Once you have completed your applicable coaching course in its entirety and have the above three requirements (CRC, RIS-Activity Leaders, CATT) completed, you are approved and rostered to a team, you are then eligible for course reimbursement.
Coach 1: Attended and completed the HU-Online Coach 1/Coach 2 and Coach 1 courses,
Coach 2: Completed the HU-Online Coach 1/Coach 2 course (if applicable), attended the Coach 2 course AND submitted your post-task assignment along with the 'verification of post-task completion' sheet to Scott Ackles at sackles@semiahmooravens.ca,
Development 1: Completed part 1 and part 2 of the Development 1 course, completed the Making Ethical Decisions course, completed your workbook and have been evaluated by Scott Ackles at one of your practices.
If the above tasks have been completed, email a completed Expense Reimbursement Request Form along with your payment receipts (in one email), and to: admin@semiahmooravens.ca
• BC Hockey - U7-U9 Program Delivery - General Information
• BC Hockey - Gameplay Best Practices
• BC Hockey - Officiating Guidelines
• BC Hockey - U11 Transitional Plan
• Semiahmoo Ravens Fundraising Policy
• BC Gaming Licence Application (for raffles & 50/50)
• Special Events Sanction Form (must complete for off-ice activities, dryland, etc.)
• Insurance & Entrepreneurial or Private Instructors and Groups