Program Info & Registration
New player Registration
We are now FULL for the 2024-25 season
New player registration opens May 15th, 2024 and will remain open until divisions are full, or until the season starts (whichever comes first).
All registration packages must be emailed to admin@semiahmooravens.ca in one (1) singular PDF document. Please do not send as images as these will not be accepted.
The subject of the email should read: BIRTHYEAR - LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (ie: 2016 - Doe, Jane).
Incomplete registration packages will not be accepted.
Registration packages sent in earlier than the registration date, will not be accepted.
Registration in subsequent seasons are all done online through TeamSnap.
Please follow the below instructions and provide the appropriate documents that pertain to your child(ren):
1. Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey Residential Boundaries: Confirm you reside in Semiahmoo Hockey's residential boundaries: click here to view boundary information,
2. Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey Refund Policy: Read & accept the refund policy: Click here to read Semiahmoo Hockey's Refund Policy,
3. PCAHA Player Registration Form: Fill out the Form 141-PCAHA parent must sign the form.
4. Birth Certificate: Ensure you provide a copy of your player’s birth certificate (front side only)
5. Proof of Residency: You must provide 3 proofs of residency with Mother and/or Father's name+address:
ONE of the following full-page statement (1st full-page only): BC Hydro or Fortis Gas. If you are leasing a home and you don't pay for hydro or gas, you can provide one of the following: phone, cable, internet.
AND TWO of the following full-page statements (1st full-page only): City of Surrey or White Rock Utility/Water bill, BC MSP invoice, bank/credit card statement, car insurance AND corresponding drivers license, property/content insurance, property tax bill, income tax assessment, child tax credit, school registration confirming address.
All proofs of residency must be current and show a parent’s full name and address.
6. Application for Player Movement: If you are transferring from another association, you must complete the Form133-Application_for_Player_Movand have it signed from your previous association. Both parents must also sign the form. All player movements are charged a $25 fee. Skip this step if your player is brand new to association hockey.
7. Registration fee: Once your registration documentation is received by our Registrar and approved, you will receive a link to complete your registration online. You must complete this online portion of your registration in order to be registered. You will have the option to pay online with a credit card or by e-transfer (details of e-transfer are noted in the online registration). Be patient, it can take 2 weeks+ to receive your email. Player movements and international students may take a couple of months.
If your child was born outside of Canada, you must also complete the following:
If your player is a permanent resident of Canada or is a Canadian that was born abroad, please supply the above required docs (P.C.A.H.A. Registration form, copy of birth certificate, 2 x proof of residency as per requirements above) AND each of the following:
IIHF Unlimited Transfer Card Request complete even if player didn't play in other country)
Under-18 Player Transfer Application LOA (complete even if player didn't play in other country)
US to Canada LOA transfer
Provide child's Permanent Resident card or Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
Copy of valid passport,
Confirmation of primary medical insurance (Personal Health Number/CareCard)
If the child is in Canada on a Student Visa, please supply the above required docs (P.C.A.H.A. Registration form, copy of birth certificate, 2 x proof of residency as per requirements above) AND each of the following:
IIHF Unlimited Transfer Card Request (complete even if player didn't play in other country)
Under-18 Player Transfer Application LOA (complete even if player didn't play in other country)
US to Canada LOA
Copy of valid/current passport,
Copy of valid Study Visa/Permit that is dated until the end of the hockey season/school year,
Confirmation of school registration for current year/season,
Confirmation of primary medical insurance (Personal Health Number/CareCard)
Once your paperwork is processed, you will receive an email with a link to register online via TeamSnap. Please create your account (or log in with your current TeamSnap login information), and register your child.
PCAHA requires all required documents in order for associations to start the registration process. Please send all required documents in one email and preferably, one PDF document to admin@semiahmooravens.ca with the following in the subject: 'BIRTHYEAR-LAST NAME, FIRST NAME' (ie: 2010-DOE, JOHN)
Rep Tryouts are optional. If you declare your intent by registering to tryout, this fee is Non-Refundable.
Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey rep tryouts (U13 & U15) will begin on Friday, August 30th for goalies and August 31st for skaters. Expect 2 weeks for this process.
U11 & U18 tryouts begin on September 6th for goalies and September 7th for skaters. Allow 2 weeks for this process.
International Students are not eligible to tryout for Rep hockey.
If you are interested in playing rep hockey, the deadline to let us know is August 1st, as we plan our ice schedules and evaluation groupings.
Returning players – please log onto your TeamSnap dashboard and register now.
If there is a situation where you are unable to apply by August 1st, please contact Christine at admin@semiahmooravens.ca
*Note that a $100 fee will be charged for late registrations -
Team Fees not included in registration fees.
Teams collect funds from each family to cover additional costs for tournaments, socks, wind-up party, trophies, additional ice, coaches gifts, additional skill training, etc. Fees can range from less than $100 per season to upwards of $3500 depending on your child's team and division. U7-U9 and U11-U18 Recreational C teams can expect lower team fees, where rep teams can expect fees between $3500-$4500.
PLEASE NOTE: that registration fees do not include individual team fees and do not include the rep tryout fees, which are additional. Rep tryouts are optional; if you declare your intent to tryout during registration, this fee is non-refundable. International students are not eligible to play or tryout for rep hockey.
We are now FULL for the 2024-25 season
Read and accept the Semiahmoo Ravens Refund Policy
Athletes who played with Semiahmoo in the past, however, did not participate in the most reason minor hockey season are considered new athletes and must submit a new player registration package including up to date residency documents.
Registrations of this type submitted before returning player registration will be deleted.
1. Register on a computer (not a phone or tablet). Internet Explorer is not compatible. TeamSnap recommends using Chrome.
2. You will need your players Hockey Canada ID. If it doesn't automatically populate (it should), you can search your email for 'orderreceipt.pdf' to locate old Hockey Canada registration receipts that will have your ID on it or you can look on your player profile in TeamSnap on your team from last season. Most Hockey Canada IDs start with 150000 OR 202157*******..
1. E-TRANSFER: If you choose to pay by e-transfer, send your payment IN FULL to admin@semiahmooravens.ca with the password 'ravens'. Please also ensure that you type your players first and last names in the memo field of your e-transfer. Payment by e-transfer must be done in full and payment is due within 5 days of your online registration.
2. CREDIT CARD: INSTALMENTS OR IN FULL: If you select to pay by credit card online, you have the option to pay in full or in instalments as outlined during registration.
3. Fees must be paid in full on due dates. No exceptions.
At the beginning of each season, each family is required to provide a volunteer deposit cheque to the association in the amount of $250.00; payable to Semiahmoo Ravens Minor Hockey Association. This is to be delivered to your Team Manager.
Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours throughout the season. If your family does not complete the hours, the association will cash your $250 volunteer deposit cheque.
1. To: Semiahmoo MHA
2. Date: March 1
3. Memo: Players first and last name
4. Amount: $250.00
In order to more effectively track and manage U15 and U18 age players that are attending BC Hockey or Junior team tryouts, we have instituted a U15 and a U18 Tryout Hold Fee.
This $50 non-refundable fee, replaces the $260 tryout fee required to hold your spot in a rep tryout. Players that are trying out or have a commitment to a BC Hockey team or Junior team, but would like to keep their options open at Semiahmoo, are required to register and pay this fee.
Players are then expected to attend a minimum of one tryout skate at Semiahmoo in the fall. Please note, this process does not guarantee that the player has earned a spot on a Semiahmoo rep team.
If the player is released from their other tryout commitment prior to the start of Semiahmoo tryouts they are expected to attend the full Semiahmoo tryout and pay the full $260 rep tryout fee at that point.
Returning players who register on or after May 15 will be billed an additional $100 late fee. (Fee does not apply to the U21 division).
Rep Tryouts are optional. If you declare your intent by registering to tryout, this fee is Non-Refundable. NO EXCEPTIONS
International Students are not eligible to tryout for Rep hockey.
Rep tryouts for U13 and U15 begin on Labour Day Weekend and continue throughout the first couple weeks of September.
Rep tryouts for U11 and U18 will start as early as the weekend following labour day and continue throughout the next couple of weeks.
Returning players who register for Rep Tryouts after August 1st will be charged an additional $100 for late registration.
Funding opportunities for low-income families are available through KidSport, JumpStart, A4K and the Hockey Canada Assist Fund.
Team Fees are not included in registration fees and vary team to team as well as from C to Rep.
Teams collect funds from each family to cover additional costs for tournaments, socks, wind-up party, trophies, additional ice, coaches gifts, additional skill training, etc. Fees can range from less than $100 per season to upwards of $4000 depending on your child's team and division. U7-U9 and U11-U18 Recreational C teams can expect lower team fees, where rep teams can expect fees between $3500-$4500.
We are opening registration only to our association through TEAMSNAP until Monday, June 17th, 2024. This allows our Semiahmoo families the opportunity to register first for our camps. On Monday, June 17th, 2024 the camp offerings will be put on our website and advertised through Social Media to help fill the remaining spots, if necessary.
Until Monday, June 17th we are limiting registration to 2 camps per player. Once it is June 17th, you will be able to register for any remaining camps that you like. All camps are non-transferable. Any changes must go through the Semiahmoo Ravens Office.
Withdraw requests must be in writing to admin@semiahmooravens.ca.
If you are requesting a refund before July 15th, 2024, you will receive a refund, however a $25 administrative fee will be applied.
Please note - there will be no refunds given after July 15th, 2024.
Priority is given to Semiahmoo Ravens registered members by providing early access to these schools. After a certain period of time, access will be opened up to the general public.
High Performance Hockey Skills Academy
at Earl Marriott Secondary School
In 2016, Earl Marriott Secondary School formed a partnership with Semiahmoo Minor Hockey to offer the High Performance Hockey Skills Academy. The Academy is a student-athlete centered program aimed at developing athletic ability, academic responsibility, and strength of character . It runs at EMS during the second semester (February - June) and is open to grade 8-10 students. The program will consist of a hockey curriculum as set out by Semiahmoo Hockey and will be in compliance with the BC Ministry of Education Curricular Competencies for Physical and Health Education.
Students earn their grade-equivalent PHE credit upon successful completion of the program. The Academy takes place at 3 off-site locations: South Surrey Arena, Excellent Ice Arenas & The Semiahmoo Athletic Club. One way transportation is provided from off-site locations to EMS for morning sessions, and to off-site locations for afternoon sessions. Two-way transportation is provided for midday sessions. Gear storage & stick lock-up are provided at EMS.
All applicants must submit the following electronically:
All applicants must complete the online Application Form found on the HPHSA Website's Apply page
You will receive an email confirming EMS has processed your completed application
Returning students must re-apply to the Hockey Academy every year.
Completed Application Form, Medical Form, and Contract must be submitted via email to Tanner Murray at murray_t@surreyschools.ca. You will receive an email confirming that EMS has processed your completed application within a week.
Priority 1: Returning students
Priority 2: Waitlisted players from the previous year
Priority 3: Lottery for remaining players
Note: Those players not selected via lottery will be placed on a waitlist.
Total cost for the 5 month Hockey Academy program is $2000.00
All inquiries can be directed to Tanner Murray, Program Coordinator, Earl Marriott Secondary School: murray_t @surreyschools.ca
More information is coming soon.
Learning to play hockey is more than just learning a game. More than skating, passing and stick-handling, hockey is about responsibility, respect and teamwork. As children learn the skills needed to succeed on the ice, they also build and solidify important character traits needed to succeed off the ice. With that in mind, the First Shift initiative was developed jointly by the National Hockey League, the National Hockey League Players’ Association and Bauer to offer more families a chance to experience everything that makes youth hockey so rewarding.
Developed with the help of experts from Hockey Canada, the First Shift initiative aims to be the gold standard for youth hockey programs with the goal of inspiring more families to join the hockey community. First Shift changes the way youth hockey is offered by providing first time participants, free head-to-toe equipment, weekly sessions of age appropriate on-ice instruction and certified coaching, led by NHL Alumni, in a fun and safe atmosphere.
October to December
Cost: $229 incl. taxes -
This program is designed for first-time players ages 6-10 only who reside in the South Surrey/White Rock area. Players who have already participated in minor hockey or those that are registering for the current minor hockey season are not eligible to participate in this program.
If your child does not know how to skate, we highly recommend you sign up first for a “Learn to Skate” class at a local rink prior to attending this program.
Head-to-toe equipment for registered participants. Each participant will receive the following new Bauer equipment to call their own, customized by the Vancouver Canucks:
Ice Hockey Helmet with a cage
Shoulder pads
Elbow pads
Hockey gloves
Hockey pants
Athletic supporter
Shin guards
Jersey & socks
Equipment bag
Upon completion of the First Shift program, participants will be able to keep the equipment.
Players who have already participated in minor hockey or those that are registering for the current minor hockey season are not eligible to participate in this program.
Players aged 5 + 6
Minor + Major
Led by professional skill providers & volunteer parent coaches
2-3 x week at South Surrey Arena and/or Excellent Ice
Fun team environment
Participate in jamborees and scrimmages
Cross-ice play
Players aged 7 + 8
Minor + Major
Led by professional skill providers & volunteer parent coaches
2-3 x week at Excellent Ice
Fun team environment
Participate in formal games and tournaments (no scorekeeping)
Reduced size ice surface or cross-ice until after Christmas
U11 - U21: C
Players aged 9 - 20
Parent Coaches
Skill development opportunities led by professional skill providers
Recreation (fun + devlepment) focused
2+ x week at various arenas
Fun, competitive and balanced teams
Participate in games, tournaments, and playoffs
Full size ice surface
U11 - U13: Rep
Players aged 9 - 12
Led by professional skill providers and paid or volunteer coaches
Competitive environment with focused skill development
5+ x week at various arenas in the Lower Mainland
Participate in games, tournaments, and playoffs
Full size ice surface
U15 - U18: REP
Players aged 13 - 17
Led by professional skill providers and paid or volunteer coaches
Competitive environment with focused skilled development
Full body contact permitted
5+ x week at various arenas in the Lower Mainland
Participate in games, tournaments, and playoffs
Full size ice surface