U9 Program Update
For Immediate Release - June 2, 2022 RE: U9 Program Updates within the PCAHA The PCAHA membership ( The governing body for lower mainland hockey leagues) recently approved a Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey initiated motion to allow for limited inter-association game play where players are grouped by skill/ability at the U9 level.
This change will allow for a 'best of both worlds' scenario, where our traditional balanced teams will allow for players to play with friends of all abilities and enjoy the many benefits of developing in a team environment; and also allow for enhanced skill development whereby players from different skill groups can play their counterparts from neighbouring associations in skill matched games. This will benefit the players that are new to hockey, as they will compete against similar skilled players and get more puck touches and at the same time, stronger skilled players will develop better playing at a higher pace with and against similarly skilled players.
Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey will look for opportunities to set up these additional skill group games over the course of the season.