Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey 2022 AGM Summary + Board Elections
Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey held its 2022 Annual General Meeting, September 28th at Centennial Arena Hall. Thank you to all who attended and participated.
Members in attendance were updated on accomplishments of our teams, volunteers, coaches, and programs that took place over the 2021-22 season. Executive Director, Scott Ackles, shared some of the association’s strategic initiatives heading into the next season, as well as updates on hockey operations, Semiahmoo Ravens rebrand, website, community partnerships with the Semiahmoo First Nation, Surrey Eagles, and the White Rock Whalers.
Official business was taken care of as well, with Semiahmoo Raven Hockey members voting on and approving the appointment of DMCL Chartered Professional Accountants as the association’s accountants until the 2023 AGM.
Treasurer, Mike Anderson provided a summary of the Ravens audited financial statements and highlighted where the association is positioned financially moving forward into the current season.
To conclude the evening, Secretary, Scott Ackerman thanked retiring board members President, Jim Barron, and Vice President, Todd Hilditch for their outstanding commitment and service to the association. Scott Ackerman also presented current board composition and held elections to fill expiring executive positions. The following members were appointed as directors by acclamation:
Mike Anderson
Scott Ackerman
Ryan Burns
Ryan Thorpe (new)
Ryan Weber (new)
With six directors currently midterm, and five directors appointed or re-elected, the Raven’s Board of Directors now consists of:
Mike Anderson
Scott Ackerman
Ryan Burns
Jim Dumelie
Chad Grisdale
Jared Harman
Courtney Hatfield
Steph MacKenzie
Perry Smith
Ryan Thorpe
Ryan Weber
In addition to formalizing the composition of the Semiahmoo Ravens Board moving forward, new executives were named at the subsequent board meeting, held October 5th at the Semiahmoo Ravens office. Jared Harman was elected as President, Stephanie MacKenzie and Chad Grisdale elected as Vice Presidents while Perry Smith was elected as Secretary. Mike Anderson will continue his role as Treasurer.
CLICK HERE to view the AGM presentation