Here are the details for the 2024/25 rep hockey evaluation process. You will find the matrices for each division below.
Jared Harman and "Grad Chisdale" discuss the upcoming playoff season and rep tryouts. Please note this video is satirical but does contain some important information about the new process.
Please note that rep hockey is a much larger commitment than U9 (and below) or C division hockey. Here are some key things to consider before you move forward with the evaluation process:
Cost: on average per player, an additional $3000 - $5000 per season, pending tournaments, ice times, and team memorabilia. This also includes the cost of paid coaches and additional administrative costs associated with rep hockey.
Frequency: up to six (6) ice times per week and additional off-ice training of which attendance is required
Professional Development: our paid coaches have years of experience coaching at the highest levels and are overly qualified to help your children become better players and people; however, the expectation and experience often is different than having a parent coach.
Ice Time: while fair play is encouraged (and expected at the U11 level), it is not always guaranteed and coaches are given the ability to put players in the best position to success based on their evaluation of their skills and abilities.
Each player is guaranteed a minimum of 5 ice times as part of the evaluation process
Times and arenas may change so please ensure to check your schedule online or at the arena before each day (arena and times will be communicated by e-mail before each Phase)
U11: Friday, September 6 to Saturday, September 20
Movement Dates: September 8, 10, 11, 12, 20
U13: Friday, August 30 to Saturday, September 13
Movement Dates: September 1, 3, 4, 5, 13
U15: Friday, August 30 to Friday, September 12
Movement Dates: September 1, 3, 4, 13
U18: Thursday, September 5 to Sunday, September 15
Players are required to check in at administration table (usually located in arena lobby) prior to each ice time to confirm pinnie colour and number. These are required to be worn for every ice time. Players are to keep the pinnies with them (take home) until evaluations have concluded and teams are finalized.
It is recommended for players to arrive 45-60 minutes prior to their ice time.
PHASE 1: Skill Evaluation: players are grouped alphabetically
Evaluations are conducted by independent, professional evaluators with Board of Director and Staff oversight.
PHASE 2: Game Play Evaluation: players are grouped by skill level
Evaluations are conducted by independent, professional evaluators with Board of Director and Staff oversight.
PHASE 3: Team Evaluation: players are placed in prospective team groups for final evaluation by team coaches and in a team environment.
Evaluations are conducted by team coaches.
Release/Movement Process:
Movement from Scrimmage Group to Scrimmage Group: will be communicated by e-mail before 10pm on the date of movement.
Release to C Division: will be communicated by e-mail before 10pm on the date of movement.
Team Group Placement: will be communicated by e-mail before 10pm on the date of placement.
Release from Team to Team (end of evaluations): will be communicated in person with coach.
U11: player, one parent, coach(s)
U13: player, one parent, coach(s)
U15: player, coach(s)
U18: player, coach(s)
Details on process to be communicated prior to last skate pending arena.
Any request for review following release to follow standard Semiahmoo 24 Hour Rule Policy
Full gear (including neck guard, chin strap) must be worn on the bench and ice at all times (no exceptions)
No non-Semiahmoo Ravens equipment, jerseys, socks, or decals must be worn or visible at any time during evaluations
All requests for information must be sent via e-mail to Scott Ackles,
Please allow up to 5-7 business days for a response
All placement review requests must be sent be sent via e-mail to Scott Ackles, before 11pm on the day of skate in question in order for a response to be received prior to the next ice time.
All requests should only identify the following:
Player Name
Player Group (Scrimmage or Skill)
Next Day Placement
All requests should not include any editorial comments or reasoning behind the request, those that do include parent feedback on the placement will be discarded.
A response / decision will be provided prior to 3pm the next day with supporting comments provided on behalf of the evaluators and Board of Directors
Due to the high frequency of ice times, appeal requests can be sent within 24 hours
There will be no direct communication with coaches or evaluators during this time
Spectators are permitted in the arena for their child’s ice time only
Spectators are not permitted to talk to evaluators during the evaluation process
Spectators are required to be in designated seating areas (not on the boards/glass) during ice times
Loud, excessive communication towards the ice during ice times will not be tolerated
Failure to adhere to this will result in removal from the arena and possible further consequences
Ravens 2024-25 U11 Rep Evaluation Progression Matrix
Ravens 2024-25 U13 Rep Evaluation Progression Matrix
Please note the above matrixes are subject to change.